NSDMA to organise NEPEx 2023

Kohima: A precursor to NEPEx an Orientation and Coordination Conference, will be held on 20th October 2023

BY | Thursday, 19 October, 2023

The Nagaland State Disaster Management Authority (NSDMA), Home Department, to test the capability of the State to respond to any event of Disaster, organises an annual event of Nagaland Emergency Preparedness Exercise (NEPEx). The NEPEx 2023 is being organised on the 2nd November, 2023 simulating Earthquake and Extreme Weather Condition.

In this connection, as a precursor to the NEPEx an Orientation and Coordination Conference, will be held on the 20th October 2023, by National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) in collaboration with NSDMA in a virtual mode. The link to attend the programme will be sent in due course of time before the commencement of the programme. The AHoD/HoDs concerned to attend the VC along with officers of their Departments/Directorates, and the DDMAs have been requested to attend the VC along with the DDMA members.

The preparatory events/programs for the NEPEx 2023 is given in the table below:

Tasks and responsibilities to be carried out: 

The DDMAs will identify 5 (five) vulnerable places in the districts as affected sites – 2 (Two) schools (Private/Govt. school), 1(One) College, 1 (One) Market place, 1 (One) Residential area.

The DDMAs will identify volunteers for acting as casualties and as injured victims, and some volunteers may act as people with disability. The DDMAs will use trained Community First Responder/ Aapda Mitra trained volunteers, wherever they are available for the said purpose.

The DDMAs will identify local Inter Agency Group (IAG) operating in the districts for coordination and partnership during the NEPEx.

The DDMAs will identify 6 (six) observers from Para-military/SDRF/Police and other line departments during the NEPEx on 2nd November 2023.

At the state and the district level the identified and notified staging area shall be used.

For getting further information or clarifications if any, Khrolou Koza Lohe, Officer in-charge of Training & Education, NSDMA, Home Department, email: khrolou.lohe@nsdma.org, Phone No: 9856132002 may be contacted.

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