NSF organises ‘The Naga Morung’ in commemoration of 78th Naga Independence Day

Kohima: Event aimed to instill dignity in young Nagas by educating them about Naga history

BY | Wednesday, 14 August, 2024
Medovi Rhi, President, Naga Students’ Federation, speaking at ‘The Naga Morung’ event on 14th August 2024

The Naga Students’ Federation organised ‘The Naga Morung’ in commemoration of the 78th Naga Independence Day under the theme “Kuknalim” on Wednesday at the NBCC Convention Centre, Kohima. The event commenced with the hoisting of the Naga Flag.

In his keynote address, President, NSF, Medovi Rhi paid tributes to the visionary leaders and heroes of the past whom the younger generation had come to revere as legends and martyrs. He stated that their sacrifices and uncorrupted vision have given the legacy of a Naga Nationhood and reiterated the appeal for all the Naga political groups to come together and collectively assert God’s given legitimate right for a Naga nation dedicated to Christ, in letter and in spirit.

Giving a background on the event, Rhi highlighted that the Naga ‘morung’ is historically a cornerstone of Naga society that served as a vital institution where the youth learned the customs, traditions and history. He regretted the decline of the ‘morung’ system in the modern “leading to generational gaps in the younger generation’s understanding of their historical and political heritage.” It is for this very reason that this event ‘The Naga Morung’ with the theme ‘Kuknalim’, which means victory to the people, is being curated and organised by the Naga Students’ Federation to instill dignity in young Nagas by educating them about the Naga history, he stated.

The NSF President elaborated that the theme ‘Kuknalim’ symbolizes victory, resilience, and the collective aspirations of the Naga people for self-determination and a unified identity. He also said that the event aims to highlight the enduring spirit of the Naga struggle and envision a prosperous future for the community.

Further, Rhi affirmed that the Federation will continue to strive for a unified ‘Lim’ and that it will not rest until the desired goal of determining one’s own future is achieved. This should remain the ultimate goal of every Naga individual that their identity, unique history, and the resulting rights is respected and honoured by every single force on earth, he added.

“Make no mistake that NSF will never accept a piecemeal solution to the protracted Indo-Naga

political issue,” Medovi Rhi further added.

Vice President, ENSF Nuyehmong Yimkhiung also shared solidarity message.

The speaker of the first session of ‘The Naga Morung’ was Neingulo Krome, General Secretary of Naga People’s Movement for Human Rights (NPMHR) while Dr Phyobemo Ngullie, retired psychiatrist and Rosemary Dzüvichü, educator and Adviser of Naga Mother’s Association, were the speakers in the second and third sessions.

2776 students attended the NSF programme.

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