NSLSA inaugurates Legal Services Clinic in Sukhai village

BY | Friday, 31 May, 2024

The Nagaland State Legal Services Authority (NSLSA)  Member Secretary, Victo Sema, NJS today inaugurated a Legal Services Clinic (LSC) at Tizu Valley Biodiversity Conservation and Livelihood Network at Sukhai Village (TVBCLN). The new LSC is under the Zunheboto District Legal Services Authority, informed a press release by the PRA, NSLSA.

Sema in his inaugural speech highlighted that there arevmnmn134 Legal Services Clinics present across the state and the new clinic at TVBCLN will be 135 Legal Services Clinic. The Member Secretary underscored that the purpose of setting up LSC in every nook and corner of the state was to make justice accessible to the people. In this instance he said it was for the people of Sukhai, Kivikhu and Ghukhuyi Villages and to protect their legal rights.

V Tokugha, Akukatou and Chairman Sukhai Village council and Ivan Zhimomi, Chairman TVBCLN delivered short speeches and expressed their gratitude to Zunheboto DLSA and NSLSA for taking the initiative and opening of Legal Services Clinic at TVBCLN which will benefit the people of not only Sukhai, Kivikhu and Ghukhuyi Villages but also other surrounding villages.

Inolito K Sumi Penal Lawyer Zunheboto DLSA compered the inaugural session and Judicial Magistrate First Class and Secretary Zunheboto DLSA, Cheliam Khiamniungan, NJS delivered the welcome address.

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During the second session, Legal Awareness Programme Resource person Cheliam Khiamniungan NJS Judicial Magistrate First Class and Secretary ZDLSA spoke on Legal Aid and Legal Services. She emphasized that the main purpose of L’gal Aid and Services is to provide free and competent legal aid to ensure that services are reached and easily available to the grassroot section of the society.She further highlighted that Para Legal Volunteer of LSCs act as bridge between the public and Service providers.

Easter H Yepthomi, Retainer lawyer Zunheboto DLSA spoke on the topic Biodiversity Act 2002. She highlighted the overview of the Biodiversity Act and emphasized on essential features, penalty and offences and important strategies for Biodiversity Conservation. She further urged to declare NO PLASTIC ZONE within TVBCLN. May 31 being World Tobacco Prohibition Day, Inolito K.Sumi Penal Lawyer ZDLSA spoke on the topic of the Cigarette and other Prohibited Tobacco Act, 2003, (COTPA). She emphasized on the theme “protecting the children from Tobacco industry interference” and also explained in brief the offences and penalties under COTPA. She also encouraged the declare TVBCLN Area as TOBACCO FREE ZONE.


The programme was chaired by Litina H.Zhimomi Para Legal Volunteer ZDLSA and closing remarks by Phuleto Yeptho, NJS District and Sessions’ Judge Zunheboto and Chairman ZDLSA and he urged and encouraged the villagers for licit use of LSC.

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