NSRLM Longleng celebrates Poshan Abhiyan, highlights benefits of millets

Longleng: SHG members encouraged to engage themselves in Millets cultivation

BY | Tuesday, 26 September, 2023

The Nagaland State Rural Livelihood Mission, Longleng Block celebrated the Poshan Abhiyan under the theme “Importance of Health Benefits of Millets,” on 25th September at CMTC hall. Longleng. S. Longhong, District Co-ordinator for Poshan Abhiyan under Social Welfare Department, was the resource person.

According to a DIPR report, S. Longhong, spoke on the health benefits of Millets and how it should be prepared. He also highlighted the advantages of Millets consumption during pregnancy, to adolescent girls, lactating mothers, anemia patient, children with low-weight etc., and further cited some of the diseases that can be cured with the help of Millets consumption.

Alemla, Area co-ordinator for Social Inclusion and Social Development, NSRLM, in her keynote address, highlighted the roles to be taken up by the Village Level Organisation and Social Action Committee with regard to Poshan Abhiyan. She also addressed the importance of disseminating Poshan Abhiyan at the member level of the SHG. A presentation was also delivered by Bangyung, Area Co-ordinator for Institution Building and Capacity Building NSRLM.

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In a short speech, P. Hamlen, Block Program Manager, NSRLM, highlighted the importance of millets and encouraged all the SHG members to engage themselves in Millets cultivation.

A total of 40 participants attended the program including S. Longhong, District co-ordinator accompanied by Manlei, Supervisor of Poshan Abhiyan under Social Welfare Department, 6 NSRLM block staff, Village organization and Social Action Committee of 16 villages and office bearers and social action committee of Mongchemla Block Level Federation, NSRLM Longleng Block.

Earlier the program was chaired by Pongmei, Data Entry Operator, NSRLM, and the program concluded with a mass prayer.

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