Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA) Peren, Ahthibung block conducted ‘Field Day on Summer Crops’ at Songlhuh Village, Ahthibung, Peren on 29 April 2023. The ATMA Team lead by BTM, Lhaihoichong Singson visited a Jhum Field at Songlhuh Village and had a discussion on various crops commonly grown in the Jhum fields.
ATMA Peren sinformed that during the ‘Field Day’ program, topics such as pest and disease Management, nutrient requirements, plant water relations etc. of summer crops were explained by Assistant Technology Manager (ATM), Lireni Lotha.
The farmers were also advised to keep in mind the impact of Jhum practices and suggestions were made to remedy the negative impacts of Jhum Farming
Based on the interest of the farmers present, Keneingunuo, ATM taught the farmers on scientific method, packages and practices of banana cultivation. Altogether 15 number of farmers attended the field day.