Along with the rest of the Nation, Rashtriya Poshan Abhiyaan Nagaland, Department of Social Welfare will also be celebrating Poshan Pakhwada 2024 with convergent departments in the state from 9th March as part of improving nutrition and Jan Andolan – Mass Movement with awareness campaign on POSHAN Pakhwada. The Ministry of Women and Child Development is organising Poshan Pakhwada from 9th to 23rd March 2024 to improve nutritional outcomes in a holistic manner.
The focus of mass sensitization and community activities would be around the following main themes:
- a) Poshan Bhi Padhai Bhi (PBPB)- towards better Early Childhood Care & Education (ECCE)
- b) Tribal, Traditional, Regional & Local dietary practices focused on sensitization around nutrition
- c) Health of pregnant women & Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices
Behavioral change at individual and community level is an important component to achieve the desired goals of the Abhiyaan. It continues with Poshan 2.0, an integrated nutrition support programme that subsumes Angawadi Service, Scheme for Adolescent Girls and POSHAN Abhiyaan.
With this objective, Poshan Pakhwada had been celebrating in convergence with all stakeholders during the months of March and April since the initiation of POSHAN Abhiyaan in March 2018. In 2023 more than 4 crore activities were conducted across the nation, which focus around the themes of promotion and popularization of Shree Anna / Millets for nutritional wellbeing, Celebration of Swasth Balak Spardha (SBS) and Popularizing Anganwadis.
The celebration will encourage people to take up sensitization cum actionable activities linked to water conservation including rainwater harvesting at Anganwadis, adopting sustainable food systems and healthy lifestyles through Ayush practices. Similarly, activities around anemia, wash and Diarrhea management and other sensitization activities around nutrition will also be taken up during the celebration of Poshan Pakhwada 2024.