President Droupadi Murmu on Saturday presented Bharat Ratna to four imminent personalities at an Investiture Ceremony held at Rashtrapati Bhavan. Bharat Ratna was posthumously conferred on former Prime Minister P. V. Narasimha Rao, former Prime Minister Chaudhary Charan Singh, Dr. M.S. Swaminathan and Karpoori Thakur.
The highest civilian award will be presented to L.K. Advani at his residence.
Read more: BJP veteran LK Advani to be awarded Bharat Ratna
On behalf of the late P. V. Narasimha Rao, the award was received by Shri P.V. Prabhakar Rao, his son. Rashtrapati Bhavan informed that as the ninth Prime Minister of India, Rao led far-reaching economic reforms. Earlier, in his youth, he had taken an active part in the freedom struggle, especially against the misrule and oppression in the Nizam-ruled Hyderabad. He was known for his command over several languages and literatures.
Late Chaudhary Charan Singh’s grandson, Jayant Chaudhary, received the honour from the President. Singh was an ardent patriot who was imprisoned many times during the freedom struggle. His contribution to zamindari abolition and land reforms, and his deep understanding of the economy, especially rural and agricultural economy are respectfully remembered, Rashtrapati Bhavan.
On behalf of the late Dr. M.S. Swaminathan, Bharat Ratna was received by Dr. Nitya Rao, his daughter. Dr Swaminathan played a major role in making India self-sufficient in food production. He is known as the ‘Father of India’s Green Revolution’. With his exceptional insight into the entire agricultural value chain, he guided several initiatives for research, education, and development of new varieties and methods. He dedicated his entire life to the goal of food and nutrition security for all. He was working on promoting sustainable agriculture with his vision of “evergreen revolution”.
On behalf of the late Karpoori Thakur, Bharat Ratna was received by Ramnath Thakur, his son. Working tirelessly to improve the lives of the disadvantaged people, he commanded high regard and had earned the honorific, ‘Jan-Nayak’. Thakur was a freedom fighter and a champion of equality and inclusive development. He was known for his simple living and selfless actions.
Read more: Govt announces Bharat Ratna for PV Narasimha Rao and other two