Preventing and combating child trafficking campaign held in Mon

BY | Friday, 7 June, 2024

The National Commission for Protecting of Child Rights (NCPCR), in collaboration with State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (SCPCR) and District Administration of Mon, conducted a campaign to prevent and combat child trafficking at Mon on Friday, informed DIPR.

Tongpang L Jamir, Advocate Guwahati High Court, Kohima Bench graced the event as the resource person. He highlighted the statistics of human trafficking in general and child trafficking in particular. Due to its geographical location, Nagaland has a high rate of trafficking and one of the main reasons for trafficking is poverty and lack of awareness.

Jamir also gave a pictorial and descriptive measure on the features of trafficking and how to respond in such situations. He further spoke on the preventive measure and encouraged all the present stakeholders to come together and combat the issue strongly.

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The campaign was chaired by M. Alem Konyak, Protection Officer (DCPU), while the welcome address was delivered by, Sevehu Chuzo, District Child Protection Officer. Tangjum Konyak, Social Worker (DCPU) delivered the Vote of Thanks.

Various stakeholders such as the District Administration, Police, DCPU, CWC, JJB, Child Helpline, SAA, Children Home Staff, Observation Home staff and Civil Society organisations from KU, KSU and KNSK participated in the campaign.

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