SaiSure Multinutrient Health Mix for School Children launched in GMS Saijung, Peren under PM POSHAN

Ahthibung (Peren): Collective efforts and sacrifice needed to eradicate malnutrition among children

BY | Wednesday, 4 October, 2023

SaiSure Multinutrient Health Mix for School Children was launched at Government Middle School Saijang, Ahthibung Block under Peren District on 3rd October 2023 under Pradhan Mantri Poshan Shakti Nirman (PM POSHAN) with the theme “Let no Child go to School Hungry Ever”, DIPR informed.

At the event, Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust, National Manager, Allath Santosh emphasized on the importance of nutrition in growing children and how daily morning nutrition can make a difference in the growth and development of the child. He also emphasized on how SaiSure multinutrient supplement would aid in improving the health of the children. In order to get rid of the problem of malnutrition among children in our country, collective efforts and sacrifice of everyone is required, Allath Santosh added.

SaiSure Multinutrient Health Mix for Children is a malt-based supplement for Anganwadi/Preschool Children aged 2-6 years. It is certified by Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI).

The ingredients in the mix are- Extruded Rice Powder, Defatted Soya Flour, Extruded Ground Nut Powder, Puffed Moong dal Powder, Gluten removed Wheat Powder, Extruded Corn Powder, Malted Barley Powder, Oat Fibre, Vitamin A,Vitamin C, Folate, Thiamine, Niacin, Riboflavin, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Pantothenate, Biotin, Calcium, Phosphorous, Iron, Zinc, Selenium and Powdered Badam.

DIPR also said that during the event, a short speech was delivered by Director, School Education, Wonthungo Tsopoe, while special song was presented by the students of GMS Saijang. The program chaired by GMS Saijang Teacher, Chongbem commenced with an introductory note delivered by SIS, Ahthibung Block, Hentinthang Singson concluded with a vote of thanks proposed by Sr. SDEO Peren.

The launching program of SaiSure Multinutrient Health Mix was also attended by Nodal Officer, Directorate of SE, Khriekethozo Lhoungu, Sr. SDEO Tening, GB Saijang, Village Councils, SMC Saijang and Head Teachers from 41 Schools of Ahthibung Block.

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