Sao Chang College, Tuensang observes World Environment day

BY | Wednesday, 5 June, 2024

In commemoration of World Environment Day the Department of Botany, Sao Chang College, Tuensang in collaboration with the Department of Land Resources Tuensang, organised a plantation drive on 5th June in the college campus.

The drive drew attention to the value of nature and also spread awareness on the importance of preservation. It also acted as a medium to encourage the young generations to plant more trees.

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A total of 400 coffee plant saplings were donated by the Department of Land Resources which were planted in the vicinity of the college. Additionally, 30 volunteers including teaching staff, non teaching staff, girl’s sochumers (hostellers), Sao Chang College and staff from land resource department participated in the plantation events

The college also received 12 tree saplings from Sentilong Ozukum,Civil SDO, Tuensang and planted during the plantation drive.


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