SASU hold agitation over demand for doctor at Seyochung Town CHC

Kiphire: Students’ body give H&FW ultimatum of 10 days to take action

BY | Tuesday, 22 August, 2023

The Seyochung Area Students’ Union held an agitation at its headquarter in Kiphire district on 21 August 2023, demanding for posting of a doctor at Community Health Centre, Seyochung Town which has been without one since October 2022. SASU had earlier given the Department of Health & Family Welfare 15 days to address the issue and deliver the community its right to health.

Thinglise, SASU President, while addressing the gathering iterated the difficult life of a common man due to the absence of doctors at CHC, Seyochung Town. He said that since many of the patients are farmers, they are not in a position to drive to the District Hospital Kiphire for basic treatments.

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The CHC which serves as a lifeline for  people under Seyochung Area is just a standing building with no purpose and meaning since even after multiple appeals to the concern H&FW department for immediate intervention in the matter, the department have turned blind eyes and deaf ears to the pleas of the people who are as much as human as any other Nagas, Thinglise added.

SASU submitted another Memorandum to the Directorate of Health & Family welfare, Kohima through the Additional Deputy Commissioner ADC, Seyochung Town yesterday where it was mentioned that the union submitted its first representation on 8th of May 2023 to the concern department with no positive response, after which the union held a press conference on 4th of August 2023 given 15 days ultimatum yet with no positive response from the department.

The students’ body appealed the department to act swiftly without any further delay and gave another ultimatum of 10 days after which it said SASU will be left with no choice but to further intensify its agitation.

Read more: No doctors at CHC Seyochung Town since Oct 2022, SASA gives 15 days to H&FW to give public what is ‘owed’

Hundreds of students and concern citizens gathered for the agitation at Public ground Seyochung later. Loud voices and slogans could be heard across the town area for the said demand.

President of SASU also extended heartfelt appreciation to Eastern Nagaland Sumi Students’ Union for coming forward to the common cause of Seyochung citizens in the matter. Thinglise stressed that the democratic fight and demand of the union is not just for a particular community but for everyone who is a part of the land.

ENSSU had too submitted a representation to the concern department on 22nd May 2023 demanding for immediate intervention and proper installation of doctor and other staffs at the CHC, Seyochung Town and Primary Health Centre (PHC) Sitimi.

Isukha Sumi, ENSSU President, mentioned that the department in its response to its letter said that the placement of doctors at PHC Sitimi and Seyochung CHC was under process but the fulfilment of the people’s demand is yet to be seen on actual ground.

It was mentioned that the department had also given similar response to Seyochung Area Students’ Union months back.

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