Social activist questions DoSE on loss of service benefits and salary due to delay in posting order

Kohima: Imsong threatens litigation against Department if justifiable reply not provided

BY | Tuesday, 23 July, 2024

Social activist Bendang Imsong has sought for clarification from the Department of School Education on the loss of service benefits and salary suffered by the teachers who were recruited after through NSSB’s Combined Staff Recruitment Examination held in 2022 due to the Department’s delay in issuing the posting order.

Imsong highlighter that the result of the exam was declared on the 9th of July 2023, and on the 28th of August 2023, appointment orders for all the successful candidates was handed over by the Honourable Chief Minister of Nagaland.

For some departments like the department under P&AR, the posting order was issued on the same day i.e. the 28th of August 2023, and the candidates put in their joining report by the 29th of August 2023 and thus started to receive the various benefits like salary and seniority almost immediately, but for some departments like the Department of school Education, the posting order was delayed by about 3 months thus victimising the successful candidates. They received their posting order on the 22nd of November 2023, Imsong has said.

He mentioned that he had applied for an RTI against the Department of School Education, Nagaland, on the 24th of May 2024 seeking clarification on this discrepancy which was replied by the Department on 17th July 2024, that stated that the Entry into Service for the teachers recruited by NSSB 2022 batch will be counted from the date of Joining the service.

“My questions therefore to the Government of Nagaland is;

1. What is the stipulated time period required for a candidate to submit the joining report after being declared successful in an interview, considering that the post has been advertised due to vacancies?

2. As per the Nagaland government service rules, what is the stipulated time frame within which a candidate, after passing the interview, should submit their joining report, and to whom should it be submitted?

3. Why was there a delay of several months in the case of the NSSB 2022 batch candidates under the department of School Education, given that all the posts advertised were already lying vacant and advertised on the same date and under the same order?

4. Specifically, the candidates from the Administrative Training Institute under P&AR Department were given their posting orders along with their appointment order and submitted their joining report on 29th August 2023. They started receiving service benefits and salary from 29th August 2023. However, the Department of School Education delayed the process by nearly 3 months. Please provide detailed reasons for this delay.

5. What is going to happen regarding the benefits pertaining to the 3 months seniority list and financial losses to those successful candidates?”

Bendang Imsong has stated in the press release that if a justifiable reply is not provided and the injustice caused is not rectified, recourse shall be made before the appropriate court of law or appropriate Public Interest Litigation court of law.

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