The State Election Commissioner T. John Longkumer, IPS (Rtd) today announced the necessity to revise and update the Electoral Roll for all the 39 (Thirty Nine) Municipal/Town Councils in order to conduct general elections to constitute Municipal and Town Councils in the State. The notification has been issued with a view to accommodate in the Roll subsequent changes since the last revision.
In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 31(1) read with Section 35 of the Nagaland Municipal Act 2023 and under Rules 11 (1), (2) & (4) of the Nagaland Municipal Election Rules 2023, the State Election Commissioner, Nagaland directed that a ‘Special Summary Revision of the Electoral Roll’ for all the Municipal and Town Councils in Nagaland shall be taken up with reference to 1st January 2024 as the ‘qualifying date’ as per the Schedule indicated hereunder:
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“For the Special Summary Revision of the Electoral Rolls of the existing 39 (Thirty Nine) Municipal /Town Councils, on the strength of the provision contained under Section 143 (1) of the Nagaland Municipal Act 2023, the Electoral Roll as finally published on 24th November 2022 under the now repealed Nagaland Municipal Act 2001 shall be taken as the basis for draft publication purpose, which, as indicated in the above schedule, shall be published under rule 6 (1) of the Nagaland Municipal Election Rules 2023. Respective Electoral Registration Officers (EROS) shall give wide publicity in this regard as provided for under rule 6 (2) thereto. For the said revision exercise, the provisions of rules 4 to 10 of the aforesaid Rules shall apply,” stated the notification.
Longkumer further informed that no Enumerator(s)/ Supervisor(s)/ Sector Magistrate(s), etc need to be appointed during the ensuing Special Summary Revision of the Electoral Roll. Further, the individual claimant / objector shall directly apply to the ERO in his/her Office for inclusion / deletion etc. Necessary guidelines/instructions for the revision have been issued for the EROS separately.