Strengthening and investing in childcare: A step towards empowering Naga women

BY | Sunday, 17 March, 2024

From being confined to the hearth for centuries to being included in political spaces a year ago, this year’s International Women’s Day celebration in Nagaland has been a reflection of how far Naga women has come.

According to the Annual Administrative Report 2022-2023 of the Department of Economics & Statistics, Nagaland, the Naga women’s employment in the private sector stood at 55.24 percent during 2020-2021, and the women workforce participation in the public sector stood at 23.68 percent. The data on women workforce participation is a testament to the gradual progress of Naga women. Besides, our Naga women also continue to lead in literature, academia and entrepreneurship.

However, a crucial challenge women still face today is that of childcare. Besides the shortage of childcare, families also struggle with the affordability, quality and safety of childcare.

A recent report from the World Bank (Women, Business and the Law 2024) mentions that, addressing the childcare gap is expected to immediately lead to a 1 percent increase in women’s participation in the labour force. The report further informs that less than half the countries had financial support or tax relief for parents of young children, and less than a third had quality standards in place for childcare that could assure parents of their children’s safety.

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While India has a National Creche Scheme in place, this significant scheme is yet to witness its implementation in entirety for the State of Nagaland. Empowering our women should not be reduced to mere celebrations and recognitions, the government as well as the public must provide the opportunities. One crucial investment that the Nagaland Government can make to provide opportunities in empowering our women, is the provision of affordable, accessible and safe childcare.

A commendable initiative this International Women’s Day, has been the inauguration of a Day Care Centre of the Nagaland Power Department in Kohima. One can only imagine the productivity, and positive outcomes Naga women has to offer in Nagaland’s economy, once child care support is more accessible and affordable.



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