Students of Sao Chang College Tuensang continue agitation, serves memorandum to DC

Tuensang: SCCSU says break-fail incidences have traumatised students who fear travelling in outdated buses

BY | Saturday, 2 September, 2023

The students of Sao Chang College walked 7.5 km from Tuensang Tower Clock (college bus stand) to the college on Day two of their protest. The students are demanding for proper transportation arrangements and good roads.

The students led by Sao Chang College Students’ Union held a silent sit-in protest on 31st August demanding for the same. They had also submitted a letter to the Vice Principal of the college to look into the matter.

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On day three, Saturday, a meeting is scheduled with the Tuensang District Administration, college administration and tribal bodies regarding the issues that are hindering the students from getting quality education.

On Friday, SCCSU served a memorandum to the Deputy Commissioner of Tuensang who is also the Chairperson of Sao Chang College appealing for her intervention.

In its memorandum, the students demanded for new college buses stating that due to the four “outdated buses”, 70% of the 668 students miss their classes every day. The union even claimed that some students missed to appear the recently held internal exam due to the un-availability of college bus.

SCCSU also said that the break-fail incidences have traumatised the students who fear travelling in those buses.

The students also demanded for immediate posting of principal, mentioning that the college has functioning without one for 4 to 5 years.

Further, SCCSU urged that the 7.5 km road leading to the college from the college bus stand be repaired as the students are suffering untold hardships to attend classes on foot. “Due to the given reason, the college buses breakdown most of the time midway and since there is no alternate means of transport; the students had to walk down by foot under no circumstances,” it stated.

The students’ council said that the Sao Chang College and the students’ community were being discriminated and appealed to DC Tuensang “to ensure that, the genuine needs of the College and Students’ community be fulfilled at the earliest.” It also cautioned the DC of further form of protest if the demands were not met with.

Read more: Tuensang: Students of Sao Chang College protest over rusty buses, safe roads

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