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Phek MLAs for working as team for betterment of district, calls on officers to do the same

Phek: Upgradation of Meluri Sub-Division to District was discussed at the Phek DPDB meeting

BY / Wednesday, 12 April, 2023

Longleng MLAs seek support and cooperation from district administration

Longleng: Pongshi Phom asked officials to approach him without reservation about any issues pertaining to the improvement, welfare, and development of the community

BY / Wednesday, 12 April, 2023

Peren DPDB meets for April month

Peren: Zeliang sought cooperation from all the departments with the same enthusiasm as before in order to take the district ahead with progress and development

BY / Tuesday, 11 April, 2023

Three MLAs attend Wokha DPDB April meeting

Wokha: On human-elephant conflict, Kikon stated that the department concerned should come out with preventive measures to ensure that this issue is addressed

BY / Tuesday, 11 April, 2023

Nagaland: Government appoints chairman of DPDBs, SDPDBs

Kohima: In a notification issued by the Planning and Coordination department on 25 March, /the Governor of Nagaland has appointed Members of Nagaland Legislative Assembly (MLAs) as the chairman of the District Planning and Development Boards (DPDBs) and Sub-Divisional

BY / Saturday, 25 March, 2023
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