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Longleng MLAs seek support and cooperation from district administration

Longleng: Pongshi Phom asked officials to approach him without reservation about any issues pertaining to the improvement, welfare, and development of the community

BY / Wednesday, 12 April, 2023

Machineries distributed to farmers in Longleng under Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanization (SMAM) 2022-2023

Longleng: Samoi, a farmer from Pongching village shared the words of appreciation on behalf of the farmers

BY / Tuesday, 11 April, 2023

Longleng: Dept. of Social Welfare celebrates Poshan Pakhwada

Longleng: Baby Baulung Angh was adjudged first and baby Owlung S. Phom and baby Metmei came second and third respectively

BY / Wednesday, 29 March, 2023

Career guidance for civil services aspirants held at Longleng

Longleng: 80 youths participated in the career guidance programme

BY / Monday, 27 March, 2023

Yuva Utsav celebrated at Yingli College Longleng

Longleng: The programme included various competitions like Poetry, Painting, Declamation, Photography, and Cultural presentation

BY / Friday, 24 March, 2023

Longleng: NCC Group Commander heartens cadets at Yingli College

Longleng: Yingli College has been one of the best-performing institutions under 25 Naga Bn NCC for the past few years

BY / Thursday, 23 March, 2023
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