Thanksgiving program of Kohima Ward -11 candidate Neibodzelie Solo held


BY | Thursday, 27 June, 2024

The thanksgiving program of uncontested candidate of PWD Ward -11  Neibodzelie Solo(Bubu)  was held at Middle PWD, Y Junction Kohima on June 27.

Special Guest Prasielie Pienyü, President, NDPP Kohima region and Chairman NHHDCL in his speech stated that the candidate now hold huge responsibility and must plan do his best and be ready to bring development to his ward. Pienyü also expressed hope that the candidate will be a problem solver and serve the people and not rule.

Pienyü also shared the objectives and principles of NDPP which was formed on 17 May 2017 with its motto “Facta Non Verba” to serve the people. Assuring that the party will continue to work for development and peace of the state, he appealed for cooperation and assistance from the ward. On behalf of the Party, he also expressed the support and solidarity for the development for the  ward.

Dozhohü Tünyi, Chairman PWD Panchayat Ward 11 stated that the PWD colony was very strong in unity and integrity which resulted to the candidate winning uncontested and he hoped they remain as one and work together for the betterment of the community.

“Friendship is more important than party. Human relationship is more important than political party,”  stated Dr. Tsielhoutuo Rhutso, MLA who assured to work with any party with full support. The MLA also mentioned that there will be no hide and seek policy and further exuded optimism that whoever wins will work with unity and work towards the development of Kohima town.

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Thanking the people for supporting him,  NDPP uncontested candidate Neibodzelie Solo stated that NDPP focuses on the overall development of the state, aiming to improve more in many sectors as well as to uplift the living standards of the people through the municipalities.

“NDPP values inclusivity, strives to represent diverse communities within the state. This inclusive approach ensures that the voices of various communities are heard and considered in the decision-making process. Representing a ruling party in the governance of urban local bodies is significant for several reasons,” said the candidate.

The reasons, according to Solo, includes better alignment with state policies and programs, ensuring seamless implementation of developmental projects and initiatives at all level.

Sharing his vision to uplift every corner of the community, Solo highlighted the implementation of community-centric solutions, sanitation, rain water harvesting, waste management, upliftment of youth on employment through construction works which is he considered his forte.

Theyievio Solo spoke on behalf of the family, while Krodiho Kennao, President NDPP, 9th Kohima town also spoke words of encouragement. The program was earlier blessed with invocation by  Tsadongse and benediction by Rev. Nikko Mero.


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