Thilixu to Toulazouma road, Sovima road in Dimapur in deplorable state; PCJ assisting local citizens to get justice

Dimapur: During elections many commitments were made by representatives to repair roads, a driver says

BY | Thursday, 24 August, 2023
Sovima Road, Dimapur

In a stirring development, the Thilixu to Toulazouma road, commonly referred to as the Half Nagarjan Junction Road, has emerged as a stark example of neglect, prompting impassioned responses from local citizens. The road’s deplorable condition has pushed the local citizens to their limits, leading them to share their tales of suffering with the dedicated team from Project Constitutional Justice (PCJ).

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Amidst the cries of distress, the PCJ has stepped in as a beacon of hope. With their proactive intervention, the citizens anticipate that justice will finally be delivered to the people residing in this region through constitutional avenues.

This move has breathed a fresh wave of optimism into the hearts of the beleaguered populace, who have long endured the hardships caused by the appalling stated of Thilixu to Toulazouma road.

Visimetuo Nagi, a vigilant citizen and an insurance professional, stands at the forefront of this citizen-led initiative in the region. As a dedicated member of the “Project Constitutional Justice” Dimapur Team, Nagi passionately emphasizes that access to a well-constructed road is not merely a convenience but a fundamental right enshrined in the Constitution of India. Citing Article 19 and 21, Nagi firmly believes that the citizens’ have guaranteed constitutional right to access good quality roads.

One resident of the locality said the condition of the Thilixu to Toulazouma road is a huge concern for every citizen and everyone is suffering because of it. “We don’t know when the government will repair the roads, but if they do it will benefit the everyone,” he added.

An auto rickshaw driver also pointed out that during elections many commitments were made by the representatives to repair the roads however, the people are yet to see the light of the day.

Thilixu to Toulazouma road in Dimapur, commonly referred to as Half Nagarjan Junction Road

Meanwhile, the deplorable and pathetic condition of Sovima Road, widely recognized as the Tetso College Road, is also no less. Residents and commuters who traverse this crucial artery on a daily basis are demanding immediate intervention from Nagaland government authorities on a war footing.

Sovima Road, once a symbol of connectivity, has deteriorated into a nightmarish ordeal for those who rely on it.

Potholes of alarming dimensions, eroded pavements, and gaping crevices have transformed the once-smooth roadway into a treacherous obstacle course, endangering the lives of motorists, pedestrians, and students alike.

One of the most alarming aspects brought to light by the report is the impact on Tetso College, a prominent educational institution situated along Sovima Road. The dilapidated condition of the road poses a significant threat to the safety and accessibility of the students and staff. Footage captured by the investigation team showcases people of the region struggling to navigate the hazardous terrain.

Local residents, who rely on Sovima Road for their daily commute, shared harrowing accounts of their experiences. It is learned that even Auto Rickshaw drivers refuse to take this road owing to its poorest condition.

The demand for immediate, comprehensive intervention from Nagaland government authorities stands as a testament to the collective will of the people to overcome adversity and reclaim a road that was once a symbol of connectivity. The clock is ticking, and only time will tell if the government rises to the occasion and paves the way for a brighter, safer future for all who rely on Sovima Road.

The sentiment is echoed by Dr Aniruddha Babar, the Project Director of “Project Constitutional Justice” and a distinguished lawyer and academician. Deeply affected by the dismal state of the roads, he expresses grave concern and asserts that the condition of public infrastructure, including roads, serves as a reflection of the reach and efficacy of governance. In the case of the road in question, Dr. Aniruddha boldly states that the governance has faltered, leaving a trail of neglect that urgently requires rectification.

As the efforts of the PCJ Team gain momentum, their commitment to upholding constitutional rights and their tireless pursuit of justice shine as a beacon of hope. With the citizens’ suffering now spotlighted and a team of dedicated individuals rallying for change, there is a renewed optimism that the Thilixu to Toulazouma road will transform from a symbol of neglect to a testament of the power of citizen-led change and constitutional accountability.

The entire investigation of Thilixu to Toulazouma Road condition has been documented by Liose Sangtam and Haiguing Kuame from the PR and Media department of PCJ.

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