Tiger sighted in D Khel, Kohima Village; Range Forest Officer advises public to avoid area

Kohima: RFO advises public to contact office first on Tiger sighting, evidence of pugmark

BY | Wednesday, 11 September, 2024

The Office of the Range Forest Officer has advised the public to avoid venturing into the vicinity around D Khel, Kohima Village where tiger-sighting has been reported.

“As per information received from the D. Khel Youth Organization and eye witnesses, a Tiger was first sighted on 7th September at 11.30 AM and last sighted on 9 September between 11 to 12 AM in and around D. Khel, Kohima Village”, Medolezo Kire, RFO stated in the Advisory.

“In the case of further tiger-sighting, evidence of pugmark, killing of livestock, etc it is requested that the undersigned be informed immediately before taking any action” the RFO added.


Contact: Shri. Medolezo Kire

Forest Range Officer

Kohima Range

Ph. no. 9402993215

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