United Sangtam Baptist Lithroti Ashimükhong (USBLA) has started a week-long Pastoral Refresher course at USBLA Retreat Center, Arehintre Thuyo, Kiphire. The programme began on 5 September 2022 and will go on till 11 September 2022.
The resource persons for the seven days programme are Dr Alem P, Assistant Professor, Disciple Bible College, Dimapur; Dr H Apise, Secretary USBLA, Kiphire; and Chumpongse, Principal, Oriental Theological College Yangli.
The topics to be taught and discussed in the Pastoral Refresher Course are church administration, stewardship, pastoral care, counselling, contemporary issues in the church, method of Biblical interpretation and Biblical foundation of mission.
Over 50 pastors from near and far churches under USBLA are attending the course.