Western Sumi Youth Front condemns attempted murder, to conduct bio-data collection drive of outsiders residing in Western Sumi inhabited areas

BY | Wednesday, 13 March, 2024

The Western Sumi Youth Front (WSYF), on March 12, condemned the attempted murder of Yetovi Zhimomi allegedly by non-locals. The WSYF also informed that it will be conducting an intensive bio-data collection drive of outsiders residing in Western Sumi inhabited areas.

In a press statement, the WSYF claimed that the attempted murder on its member by Naveen Kumar Singh and Papu Dharam Singh along with their accomplice numbering more than thirty people occurred in the evening of March 9, 2024 at Zukihe Village under Niuland District.

Stating that it will not tolerate such atrocities inflicted on “our people by the very people we shelter on our own soil”, the WSYF strongly condemned the act in an era where the people are zealously striving for peace and progress. “The WSYF fervently appeals the Law Enforcement Agency to investigate the gravity of the matter and award the most befitting action as per the provisions of the law,” stated the WSYF.

The organisation also claimed that such  atrocities on Naga people in Khaghaboto area by non-locals is not the first instance. “Such repeated offence of similar nature has made the area a hotspot of criminal activity which cannot and will not be tolerated henceforth. The onus of maintaining peace and providing safety falls on the Government of the day, which has, in all its might, failed us, yet again,” stated WSYF.

In this regard, the WSYF has appealed the state government to establish a Police Station at Khaghaboto Area for establishing the long sought after ‘peace and tranquillity’ in the area to safeguard the rights and justice of the citizens. “It is worth noting that the area shares its boundaries with the areas of non-locals and also acts as a trading transit point, hence remains unchecked, furthermore attesting to the urgency,” mentioned the organisation.

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It also urged the law enforcement agencies to apprehend all the perpetrators in the said incident and impose befitting punishment and penalty as per the sections of law failing which the WSYF will be compelled to take matters into their hands. The WSYF also re-affirmed its full support to the agents of law in carrying out operations for speedy and just actions.

“WSYF further appeal respective Chambers of Commerce and industry and various business association of Dimapur, Chumoukedima and Niuland district to keep track of Illegal immigrants and unregistered non-locals residing for business and other purpose,” stated the press release issued by Atokiho Sumi, President and Botoho Achumi, General Secretary

Furthermore, the WSYF shall with immediate effect be exercising an intensive bio-data collection drive of outsiders residing in Western Sumi inhabited areas and therefore directs all the Units to be prepared for any call hereon. As such the WSYF directs its Units to be vigilant and cautious against such acts which has time and again, proved to be detrimental to the progress of the Naga Society.


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