Highlighting the progress made in the State on the occasion of the 76th Republic Day, Governor La. Ganesan, on January 26, mentioned that 85 percent among the 29,973 beneficiaries under the PMAY (Urban), have completed House construction in Nagaland. Further, the remaining 15 percent are at various stages of Construction.
Under the Rajiv Awas Yojana, Rental Housing Projects for the Urban poor has been completed in Chumoukedima Town and Medziphema Town. The project in Tseminyu Town is expected to be completed by March 2025. He also informed that under the PM SVANidhi Scheme, the Urban Development Department has helped 4595 Street Vendors avail loans enabling them to diversify their business. During the recent ‘SVANidhi bhi, Swabhiman bhi’, State level tour campaign was organized with special focus on 14 ULBs which were yet to avail of the scheme benefit.
“The PWD(R&B) has handed over Urban Roads measuring about 1500kms (of all 39ULBs/Urban areas) to Urban Development, where maintenance and up-gradation works are being carried out,” stated the Governor.
The Department of Skill Development, Employment and Training, in order to support People with Disabilities (PwDs), is rolling out the ‘DREAM Nagaland’ project (Disability Research, Empowerment, and Accessibility Mission). He said this project will streamline PwD registration at Employment Exchanges, align training with their aspirations, and assess their awareness of government programs to offer better support.
Further, through the Pradhan Mantri Van Dhan Yojana (PMVDY), DUDA has empowered local communities by procuring 56 Metric Tonnes of Hill Broom grass from Self Help Groups/Van Dhan Vikas Kendras (VDVK) boosting the economy and enhancing livelihoods, fostering entrepreneurship in the region.
“The construction of the Konyak Heritage Complex in Mon under the North Eastern Council (NEC) Ministry of DoNER, GoI, stands as a pioneering effort to preserve traditional Konyak architecture, sculptures, traditions and cultural heritage. The overall physical progress of the Konyak Heritage Complex is 75 percent,” updated Ganesan.
The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Department of Food & Public Distribution GoI has presented the Food and Civil Supplies Department with Commendation Award for successful implementation of PDS (Public Distribution System) Supply Chain Optimization. The Department has achieved 97.62 percent Ration Card wise Aadhaar seeding and 96.95 percent member wise Aadhaar seeding.
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Ganesan also informed that the Department of Science and Technology has successfully commissioned Nagaland Science Mission and conducted the 1st Round Table Talk on Al (Artificial Intelligence) on September 26, 2024. The
Nagaland GIS & Remote Sensing Centre (NGISRSC), successfully completed the Landslide Inventory Mapping for Post Monsoon 2023 using the Satellite Integrated Landslide Assessment and Alert System in collaboration with National Remote Sensing Centre, ISRO. Using innovative R&D, the GIS developed drones capable of carrying up to 80 Kg, and long-range, high-altitude gliders with a flight time of 6 hours, facilitating large-scale mapping projects. A large-scale 3D Twin mapping of all District Headquarters in the State, enhancing urban planning and disaster management was also conducted by the Centre.
Under the Department of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, the Nagaland Forest Management Project, which is assisted by JICA, Government of Japan has been implemented. Under this project, an Eco-Park was inaugurated on December 1, 2024 jointly by Chief Minister of Nagaland and Keichii Ono, Ambassador of Japan in India. The Eco-Park is being developed along with Kohima Peace Memorial which will be serve as a testimony as close ties between Japan and India and particularly with the State of Nagaland. The Governor added that this Complex will showcase local handicrafts along with a message for harmonious relation with nature.
On the Sports front, the governor also highlighted that Hokato Hotozhe Sema made history at the Paris Paralympic Games by becoming the first athlete from Nagaland to win a Paralympic medal. He also reminded that the Government of India has also announced his name as one of the recipients of the prestigious Arjuna Award becoming the second Naga to receive the Arjuna Award.
On the birth anniversary of the legendary Dr. Talimeren Ao, on January 28, 2025, the Nagaland Super League (NSL) will be held in collaboration with the All India Football Federation, the Nagaland Olympic Association and the Nagaland Football Association. “It will be the first professional sports league and we aim to begin the process of a sports culture and strengthen the eco-system of sports and games in Nagaland through this initiative. The NSL will launch new avenues for the sports fraternity, promote entrepreneurship, create employment, and inculcate club culture in Nagaland and boost the sports Industry which has become a crucial part of the creative economy,” stated Ganesan. Nagaland will host the United World Wrestling (UWW) Asian Belt Wrestling Championship in Feb-March 2025.
He said the District Administration and the Police spared no efforts in ensuring that peace reigns in the State. In 2024, the Nagaland Police Department continued its fight against drugs. Seizure of various drugs worth approximately Rs 49 crore was made. The State Excise Department, during the period from April 2024 – Nov 2024, has made seizures worth more than Rs. 1.16 crore. In conclusion he said,“Let us remind ourselves of the responsibility we have towards achieving the higher ideals enshrined in our Constitution. Let us work towards ensuring that we take the nation forward in the true spirit of the democratic ideals of our constitution.”