Dimapur: Aids and appliances distribution camp organized for Persons with Disabilities

Dimapur: The campaign was recognized for Mental illness, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Low vision, Visual impairment, Hearing and Speech, Locomotor Handicapped, Cerebral Palsy, and Leprosy Cured

BY | Wednesday, 17 August, 2022

An aids and appliances distribution camp under ADIP Scheme was held at DDRC, District Hospital, Dimapur on 17th August 2022. It was jointly organized by the NIEPMD (National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities), State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Nagaland, District Administration, Dimapur and DDRC, District Hospital, Dimapur.

The campaign was recognized for Mental illness, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Low vision, Visual impairment, Hearing and Speech, Locomotor Handicapped, Cerebral Palsy, and Leprosy Cured.

A survey was also carried out in three outposts like Medzipima, Dhansaripar, and Molvum.

Dr. Stalin, Nodal officer, Northeast region, NIEPMD, Chennai, Dr. Amrudaan, Consultant, ADIP and Dr. Imlitemsu, MD. (PMR) carried out in the one-day campaign.

Altogether, 76 Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) benefitted from the Camp. A total number of 103 aids and appliances worth Rs. 4,62,304 were distributed free of cost (Tricycle- 2, Wheelchair- 25, Rollator- 1, Axillary crutch- 4, Elbow crutch- 25, Walking stick–3, Smartcane- 6, Smartphone- 4, Hearing aid- 28, TLM kits- 5).



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