In a captivating debut performance, So-Li-Sü Theatres mesmerized audiences at the Yimtsüngta Arok Sapang Ungma with their inaugural play titled “Süngra”, on January 27. Inspired by Ao Naga folklore and the symbolic narrative of ‘Longtrok,’ meaning six stones, the play delves into the profound essence of cultural identity amidst the ever-evolving landscape of existence.
“Süngra” emerges from the depths of artistic inspiration, drawing its roots from a painting by the renowned artist Temjen, showcased during the esteemed Hornbill festival. The production, a culmination of an 18-day residential workshop, breathes life into the stage with its poignant exploration of linguistic preservation and its intrinsic link to individual and collective identity.
The play, staged for approximately 70 minutes, showcased the talents of 10 dedicated artists, supported by a team of four musicians and set crews. The performance, enriched with metaphoric elements, resonates deeply with audiences, unraveling the intricate layers of cultural heritage and the significance of language as a vessel of identity.
Founded in 2024, So-Li-Sü Theatres embody the ethos of “Life in Motion,” seeking to propagate the transformative power of theatrical art through innovative techniques and unwavering dedication. Led by Kilangtemsu Imsong, an alumnus of the National School of Drama, Theatre, and Education, Tripura, is acclaimed for his multifaceted talents, including his award-winning performances in “Yellow” and “Dreams & Chaos,” brings a wealth of experience and passion to the forefront of theatrical storytelling. His visionary leadership and artistic prowess infuse “Süngra” with depth and authenticity, captivating audiences and igniting introspection.