In celebration of Rashtriya Poshan Maah, which is being held across the country from 1st to 30th September 2024, an Awareness Camp for Women & Adolescent Girls on Women’s Health was organised, under Ghathashi ICDS Project, by the Department of Social Welfare in convergence with Department of Health & Family Welfare at Lazami Village Council Hall today. Concurrently, Anaemia Campaign was conducted along with free health screening by the Medical team from Health & Wellness Centre (HWC) Sub-centre, Lazami, Pughoboto Sub-Division, Zunheboto.
CDPO R. Chirhotshu Nyusou, delivered the keynote address on POSHAN Abhiyan which is India’s flagship programme to improve nutritional outcomes for children, adolescent girls, pregnant women and lactating mothers. The importance of nutritional supplements provided through fortified biscuits and other food products at Angawadi Centers was highlighted. Nyusou deliberated on ‘Nutrigarden’ which is being set up at selected Angawadi centers to promote organic and locally available food source from kitchen gardens. Nyusou also highlighted the Early Childhood Care & Education (ECCE) at Angawadi centers, which is an initiative to promote early childhood education and development through indigenous games, toys, local folk songs and folk tales.
Resource Person Dr. Kerekugumle, SMO Pughuboto deliberated extensively on Anemia and its health implications. Anaemia, which results from iron deficiency, affects both children and adults alike. Symptoms may include fatigue, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, lightheadedness, dizziness or a fast heartbeat and causes delayed locomotors skills and speech delay in children and maternal deaths in women. As iron helps in brain development, improved learning ability in children and improves skin and sleep, and healthy regular menstrual cycle in women. SMO encouraged regular intake of iron tablets by pregnant and lactating mothers.
SMO, Dr. Kerekugumle also emphasised on the first 1000 days of life for women between pregnancy and her child’s 2nd birthday, which are the most critical time for positive impact on a child’s cognitive and physical development, which consists of Hospital delivery, timely vaccination, balanced and nutritious diet for both mother and child.
The program was well attended by children, women and ASHA workers along with village leaders and the attendees were also sensitised on Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) which is a maternity benefit program run by the Government of India for conditional cash transfer scheme for pregnant and lactating mothers.