A lifeline road in dreadful condition

Mon: The road connects the remote villages of Longzang, Wetting and Pukha in Mon district

BY | Thursday, 1 September, 2022

A wet muddy road is the only connection to the under-developed villages of Longzang, Wetting and Pukha of Konyak region. These remote villages are under the constituency of Pomching Town in Mon district. Pukha Village is located close to the border of Arunachal Pradesh.

Locals living in this area point out that the road has been in a deplorable state for ages. A villager from Wetting said the progress of the village church construction is almost stagnant due to the difficulty of transporting materials. The only solution presently is to carry the materials on foot, he said. The villagers had attempted to create a temporary make-shift road but it is destroyed when vehicles run over it. It has become routine during summer for people to push and pull the vehicles out of the muddy road.

According to a source from the area, a patient needing medical treatment had to be carried on a mini wooden truck (machang) till Pomching and then taken to Mon Town. In another incident, a dead body which was brought from Mon had to be picked up at Pomching and thereafter, carried on foot to the destined village. The source said the villagers are often faced with incidences like this.

Locals say the area lacks in development and distribution of funds. The only sub-health centre which lies in Pomching is deprived of facilities. Wetting runs a single Lower Primary school.

The Students’ Union President of Pukha has voiced out the plea of the general public to the government: to have better road conditions, to choose the right candidate, and for the three villages to be prioritised.



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