The Independence Day celebration in Dimapur district was overshadowed by extreme weather conditions and inadequate preparation at the event ground. Held at the Dimapur District Sports Complex (DDSC) the Parade Contingent, consisting mainly of students, arrived at the ground well before the program began, enduring the sweltering heat as they waited for the Chief Guest’s arrival.
With temperatures reaching 31°C worsened by 77 percent humidity, several students collapsed from heat exhaustion during the event. August is known to be the hottest month in Dimapur, and today’s weather proved to be particularly harsh.
Adding to the discomfort was the poor condition of the ground, with untrimmed grasses creating an unsuitable environment for both the parade participants and the public. Compounding the issue was the rain from the previous night, which left the ground waterlogged in several areas. As a result, there were mud pools where the parade took the march past, causing participants to smash the mud on their clean shoes and uniforms, further adding to their discomfort and frustration.
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The stalls set up by Self Help Groups (SHGs) and local entrepreneurs were also affected by the unkempt ground. A member of one SHG expressed frustration, stating that the long grass made it unhygienic to sell food items. Though we requested to clean the area ourselves the day before the Independence Day celebration, we were denied permission.
“We need a clean environment to sell eateries,” she said. “But we feel even worse for the children participating in the march pass under this intense heat. They had to stand for hours, while we at least had some shade in the stalls. If only these children were given a shaded area for the parade.”
The overall atmospheree of the event was dampened by these issues, leaving many to question the organization and preparedness of the celebration.