In commemoration of World Environment Day under the local theme “Grow trees for greener and healthier environment,” the Directorate of Higher Education, Nagaland today organized a landmark event through a fruit tree plantation drive in the office premises in Kohima.
For this purpose, Nagaland’s higher education & tourism minister Temjen Imna Along provided 150 varieties of fruits saplings viz. Avacado, Apple, Peach, Gooseberry, Persimmon, litchi, star fruit etc.
During the ceremonial plantation, Sentiyanger Pongen, Additional Secretary, Higher & Technical Education, Nagaland, advocated on fostering ecosystem restoration which requires collective action and individual responsibility for sustainable outcomes. Nagaland’s Higher Education director Dr. A. Nshoga highlighted on environmental challenges and encouraged stewardship for promoting grassroot action.
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The Department appreciated the novel initiative taken by the committee comprising of Menuokholie Kire, Joint Director. Medongoi Rhakho, Deputy Director, Lisepi Sangtam, OSD, Neitsho Wezah, Liaison officer and Watisangla, Registrar.
The fruit saplings were planted by officers attached with their name tag and to be nurtured till retirement.
It was a first of its kind initiative setting a standard best practice objective.