EE Electrical Divison Mon notifies on illegal usage of poles

BY | Friday, 24 May, 2024

The Executive Engineer, Electrical Division Mon, Er. K. Tingtenmoie Konyak, in a notification, stated that there are cases in some colonies of Mon Town where illegal usage of poles for hanging of OFC cable are occurring without the permission for usage of electric poles from the undersigned department. Handling of electricity related materials is hazardous without proper technical knowledge and skill, informed the EE.

Under Section 135 of the Indian Electricity Act, 2003, illegal connection, hooking, looping of electric supply lines, tampering with meter or usage of electric poles without permission is a punishable offence.

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Therefore, the EE has directed to immediately coordinate with the department and remove the telecom cables from the poles, failing which the defaulting telecom company will be held responsible for any injuries or technical accidents that may occur due to tilting bending or damage of poles.

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