BJP National President J P Nadda on his second day made a brief visit to the Kohima Cathedral Church before his departure to Dimapur. Nadda, accompanied by BJP legislator and officials, toured the Cathedral, and was briefed by the priests of the Church about the history of the historic Cathedral.
BJP Nagaland had on Thursday apologised to Kohima Ao Baptist Arogo (KABA) for the leak of the first itinerary of Nadda’s visit to media which stated that the party president would be visiting the church. The press release clarified that the church had declined the request for the visit. The party said that it “sincerely acknowledge and respect the sentiment of the church” and the reason for turning down the request.
The schedule for Nadda at Dimapur will include an auto rickshaw rally where he will ride on an auto rickshaw from Dimapur airport till Niathu Resort.
Later he is slated to have an interaction with intellectuals and professionals at the resort followed by a crucial meeting with the core committee at Deputy CM Y Patton’s Dimapur residence.