Kikheto highlights need for food testing laboratories in Nagaland at FSSAI meeting in Delhi

New Delhi: Sema requests five Modified Food Safety on Wheels (MFSW) from FSSAI

BY | Thursday, 25 May, 2023
40th National Meeting of Central Advisory Committee, FSSAI at FDA Bhawan, New Delhi on 25 May 2023

State Food Safety Commissioner Y Kikheto Sema, IAS attended the 40th National Meeting of Central Advisory Committee, FSSAI at FDA Bhawan, New Delhi on Thursday. According to DIPR, in the meeting, he highlighted the need for more food testing laboratories in Nagaland to effectively implement food safety in the State.

Sema underscored that Nagaland’s only State Public Health Laboratory was established in 1983 at Kohima and is the only food testing laboratory in the state notified by FSSAI under sub- section 43 of the FSS Act, 2006 for food certification and accredited by NABL in chemical testing as per global standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017.

He further stated that topographical challenges along with poor road connectivity in the far-flung areas cause big hurdles while sending and receiving samples, resulting in delays in appropriate legal action. Further, State shares an extensive international boundary with Myanmar as such, large adulterated, misbranded, and sub-standard food items are being brought into Nagaland which requires to be tackled urgently.

Kikheto while acknowledging the constant support and guidance of the FSSAI, Ministry of H&FW, urged to consider setting up 5(five) Basic Food Laboratory to cater to the need of the whole State for effective implementation of Food Safety.

Sema also requested to provide five Modified Food Safety on Wheels (MFSW) i.e., (Food Testing Mobile Van) as the existing 3 MFSWs could not effectively cater to the needs of the State.

The State Food Safety Commissioner was accompanied by the State Programme Officer, Food Safety, Dr John Kemp.

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