Longleng district task force for Covid-19 meeting held

Longleng: At the meeting, DC highlighted the current status and scenario of covid 19 in India. He shared the importance of vaccination in the district and urged all government employees and organizations to get vaccinated

BY | Friday, 5 August, 2022

Longleng District Task Force for Covid- 19 Meeting was held on 3rd August 2022 at DC’s Conference Hall under the chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner Longleng, Dharam Raj IAS.

At the meeting, DC highlighted the current status and scenario of covid 19 in India. He shared the importance of vaccination in the district and urged all government employees and organizations to get vaccinated.

The house discussed creating more awareness campaigns in all villages and towns through various platforms to sensitize and re-motivate the villagers, student body, village authority, and churches on vaccination, organizing special vaccination drives, collecting data from the vaccination portal and calling or texting the beneficiaries who are yet to get their second and booster dose.

Dr. Mero (RRT) WHO, presented through PowerPoint on age-wise vaccination data in Longleng, Availability of covid vaccine in the district Hq. and Immunization Coverage Analysis.




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