Mizo student body objects to the Sangh Parivar lectures at Mizoram University

Aizawl: The MZP leaders shared with the Governor their concern that some vested interests were allegedly violating the ‘sanctity and secularity’ of Mizoram University

BY | Monday, 24 April, 2023

Leaders of Mizo Zirlai Pawl (MZP), the largest students’ organization in the state, objected to people having links with Sangh Parivar organizations delivering right-wing lectures in the lone Mizoram University.

The MZP leaders led by its President Lalnunmawia Pautu met state Governor Hari Babu Kambhampati at the Raj Bhavan in Aizawl on Monday and apprised the latter about the issue.

The MZP leaders shared with the Governor their concern that some vested interests were allegedly violating the ‘sanctity and secularity’ of Mizoram University.

They urged the Governor to look into this matter and take necessary measures to preserve the dignity, sanctity and secularity of the Mizoram University as a centre of education.

A press statement issued by the MZP said that seminars and other functions have been organized in the University Campus, which are not in any way connected with the academic activities where some guests and invitees participated.

Some of the guests and invitees included RSS apparatchiks who delivered lectures, the MZP alleged.

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The student leaders said that they want maintenance of good academic and peaceful atmosphere in the Mizoram University without any external interference on the issue of politics and religion.

During their interaction with the Governor, the student leaders also shared their views on the essence of the ‘Mizoram Maintenance of Household Register Bill, 2019’ which is not yet implemented till date.

They urged the Governor and his office to take necessary steps to speed up the process of implementing the bill.

In this connection, Kambhampati informed the student leaders that the Bill was sent to the President who had queries which needed to be clarified by the state government.

The Mizoram Maintenance of Household Register Bill, 2019 was unanimously passed by the state legislature on March 18, 2019 and the bill was sent to the then state governor Kummanam Rajasekharan for gubernatorial assent.

Rajasekharan, rather than giving assent to the bill referred it to the centre for its nod.

The bill, according to the state chief minister Zoramthanga, seeks to identify between foreigners and genuine residents of the state.

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