Naga political issue: NSCN IM resolute on demand for flag, constitution

Kohima: NSCN IM asserts Framework Agreement was meant to bring new solution/ agreement that is honourable and acceptable

BY | Friday, 26 May, 2023

“Flag and constitution are constituent parts of sovereignty. There is no ambiguity about it,” NSCN IM reiterated on Friday, stating it will not compromise on the core issues of Naga National Flag and Constitution (Yehzabo) in the name of Naga political solution that symbolize the Naga National identity.

NSCN IM accused the Government of India of indulging in delaying tactics and not showing commitment to implement the Framework Agreement signed on 3 August 2015 that was meant to make redundant the past political decisions and do away with irrelevant factors to the Indo-Naga political issue. The Framework Agreement, NSCN IM said, was also meant to bring new solution/agreement that is honourable and acceptable.

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The group stated that GoI “granted official recognition to the uniqueness of Naga history and situation in 2002” after as many as 13 years of tough negotiations but regretted that even after seven years, the Indian Prime Minister “is still not around to implement his brainchild” which he made arrangements for the world to witness and even declared that “he has solved the longest insurgency issue in Southeast Asia.”

The letter and spirit of the Framework Agreement is very sharp and clear, NSCN stated, adding, the Framework Agreement says, “The government of India recognizes the unique history and position of the Nagas.” By unique history, it means – the Nagas have the history of independence. The Nagas have neither been a part of Union of India nor that of Burma (Myanmar), nor any other powers by consent or by conquest, it said asserting the Flag and Constitution were non-negotiable.

NSCN IM stated that any Naga political group seeking Naga political solution under the terms of the Indian constitution would be repeating the past mistakes and tantamount to violating the sanctity of God given Naga political rights.

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