Naga Shisha Hoho releases chronology of office bearers

Kohima: Thuputso Rhakho is presently serving as Chairman, Naga Shisha Hoho

BY | Wednesday, 10 April, 2024

Naga Shisha Hoho, Kutsapo, Phek has notified the public of the chronology of office bearers beginning with Dukhüyi Vadeo who was the Convenor from 1990-1993 (September)

The office bearers (adhoc basis) from 1993-1994 were:

Chairman: Asang Snock

Vice Chairman: Puduhu Khesoh

General Secretary: Kuvepol Lohe

Joint Secretary: Dukhuyi Vadeo

Finance Secretary: Hokuto Chishi

Treasurer: Chosay Lohe


1994-1997 (Full-fledged)

Chairman: Asang Snock

Vice Chairman: Puduhu Khesoh

General Secretary: Kuvepol Lohe

Joint Secretary: Dukhuyi Vadeo

Finance Secretary: Hokuto Chishi

Treasurer: Viazhe Chizo

(After the demise of Asang Snock in September 1997, Puduhu Khesoh acted as the Chairman from September 1997 till May 2023.


(re-affirmed) 2003-till date

Chairman: Thuputso Rhakho

Vice Chairman: Vesapa Rhakho

General Secretary: Dukhuyi Vadeo

Joint Secretary: Hokuto Chishi (Late)

Finance Secretary: Kuvepoi Lohe

Treasurer: Veplyi Thingo

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