Nagaland govt stops Naga Mothers’ delegation from meeting German Consul General

Kohima: The Naga Mothers expressed ‘resentment at the disrespect shown to the women delegations by the State government

BY | Thursday, 6 April, 2023

The Naga Mothers’ Association (NMA) has condemned the Government of Nagaland for allegedly stopping its representatives from meeting with German Consul General Manfred Auster on Thursday.

In a statement, NMA claimed that the German diplomat had sought a meeting with it on 21 March 2023 at Hotel De Oriental Grand, Kohima and so, a six-member delegate arrived at the hotel to keep the appointment. However, the delegation was refused entry beyond the lobby by ‘Dozens of plain clothes policemen and police women’ who had been ordered to stop the meeting.

NMA then stated that they were then informed by the Additional Superintendent of Police that the association would need the permission from the Home Department or the top police officials to meet with the German Consul General with whom they had earlier met at Hotel Vivor during the 2022 Hornbill Festival.

Auster then apologized to the women for the obstruction to the meeting, NMA added and questioned the treatment of leaders of foreign countries by the State government.

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NMA also asked how hosting the G20 and B20 Summits will benefit the State if it stops discussions for investments and grants. The Naga Mothers expressed ‘resentment at the disrespect shown to the women delegations which consisted of the former members of the State Women Commission’ by the State government.

‘We were able to share our various concerns on the situation in the state, standing in the hotel lobby, surrounded by police and G20 staff,’ it added but regretted it could not further discuss a project for women with the German diplomat.

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