NDPP 29 Jangpetkong & Health Dept. conducts special drive for CMHIS beneficiaries

BY | Friday, 8 December, 2023
Photo: Party officials from NDPP 29 Jangpetkong AC, personnel from CMO Office Mokokchung, Chungliyimsen Village Council members pose for a picture after formally kicking off the intensive Beneficiary Identification Drive (BIS) for AB-PMJAY CMHIS under 29 Jangpetkong AC at Chungliyimsen village on December 8, 2023.

The NDPP 29 Jangpetkong Assembly Constituency in collaboration with the Department of Health & Family Welfare is undertaking a weeklong Beneficiary Identification Drive (BIS) for AB-PMJAY CMHIS (Chief Minister Health Insurance Scheme) in the whole constituency. This special drive is being sponsored by MLA and Advisor for Transport and Technical Education, Temjenmenba and supervised by the NDPP 29 Jangpetkong AC office, informed a press release issued by the Media & Publicity Cell, NDPP 29 Jangpetkong Assembly Constituency.

Formally kicking off the drive at Chungliyimsen village, the NDPP 29 Jangpetkong AC President, Aodangnok stated that the special drive is being initiated keeping in mind the health and wellbeing of the constituency people. The CMHIS, which is a flagship programme of the NDPP initiated by Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio, envisages to provide health insurance to the people of the state, informed Aodangnok.

In this regard, Aodangnok highly appreciated the MLA and Advisor Temjenmenba, who has kept the development and welfare of the people in the forefront, and for sponsoring the special drive. He also appreciated the department of health and family welfare for collaborating with the NDPP and reaching out to the villagers who could not come to register their names.

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With the health of a person being unpredictable, Aodangnok said that once a person registers as a beneficiary, the scheme would come as a great relief in covering the medical expenses during hospitalization. Therefore, he urged all the citizens under the constituency to avail this opportunity and register their names and get their health insurance benefits.

The team of NDPP and the medical department personnel from the CMO office, Mokokchung will be camping in the Assembly Constituency the whole week and ensure that every entitled beneficiary is covered during this special drive.


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