The Prize Distribution Ceremony for the State Level Flower Show-cum-Competition during 25th Hornbill Festival 2024 was held on 5th December 2024 at Floral Galleria, Hortiscape, Naga Heritage village, Kisama.
Minister for Women Resource Development & Horticulture, Salhoutuonuo Kruse graced the occasion as the special guest and Deputy Director, Department of Horticulture, Neisetuonuo Debbie chaired the event.
In her speech the Special Guest, Salhoutuonuo Kruse thanked God for giving her the time and opportunity to be a part of the ceremony. She emphasized on the importance of the platform that has been given to the participants to showcase their talents at a state level and thanked the participants for coming and being a part of the event despite their busy schedule. She said that every year competition continues to enthrall the judges and the public alike and this year has been no exception, and added that the uniqueness and diversity in the arrangements displayed this year also been a beautiful addition.
She said that efforts are being made to incentivize the floriculture sector to encourage more participants and bring about more opportunities for them. She thanked the Deputy Director and the Department for their endless effort in making the event a success and encouraged the participants to showcase their talents in event like these for more exposure.
In her vote of thanks, AHO, Chemlila Sangtam thanked the special guest for being a part of the program, the participants for their dedication and effort to be a part of the event, and the department staff for providing an avenues fo participants.
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Welcome address was proposed by the Deputy Director, Horticulture. Later Horticulture Inspector, Thungchobeni Kikon informed that out of 9 categories in total for the competition there were 98 participants, with 32 entries and 72 winners,
The special guest gave away the prizes to the winners listed in merit order. In the Ferns & Foliage/ Indigenous & Exotic Category, Tina, Kedovino Lydia and Moalemla were declared winners as 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively. In the Bulbs, Tubers & Rhizomes Category, Mary Kulnu, Meyieno Chuse and Akumla Kichu. Under Orchids- Indigenous Category, Anangbo, Kezhaleno and Ngangbu were declared winners. Under Orchids- Hybrid Categotory, Diezevonuo Suokhrie, Neikhrietono Chuse and Neikhrietono Chuse. Under Bonsai Category, Dr. Vizovol Mekro, Ruungubino and Khriebeino Kuotsu. Under Perennial Category, Neigulienuo S. Jamir, Kevineinuo Khezhe and Vivian. In Annuals & Binnial, Vivonuo Khezhie, Kikruhenuo Solo and Neikhrietono Chuse. In Flower Arrangements- Fresh, Merina Kulnu, Mhalekuonuo Keretsu and Keviyiephreu and in Flower Arrangements-Dry, Mhaleno Zashümo, Rokohuno and Mhaleno Zashümo were declared winners respectively.