On March 17, the Seyochung Village Students Union (SVSU) and the Youth Ministry of Seyochung Village Baptist Lithro visited Government High School, Seyochung Village. They donated books on Sangtam Naga literature and works by native authors to promote local literature and introduce students to indigenous writers. Additionally, they provided a first-aid kit, including sanitary pads for girl students, informed a press release by the SVSU.
During the visit, Longtili C. Sangtam, President of SVSU, thanked the school for successfully launching the Nagaland Heritage (Sangtam) program and urged the headmaster to prepare routine for the Youth Pastor, who has volunteered to contribute to the initiative
The SVSU Inspected the ongoing road metalling work between Sitimi and Seyachung HQ. Despite prior notification, the Border Roads Organization (BRO) office did not attend the inspection. The union observed several issues, including poor quality of work, lack of proper drainage, and the absence of cross slopes necessary for effective water management. “The work does not comply with indian Road Congress (IRC) guidelines, and no proper drainage structures, such as culverts and ditches, have been put in place as per design standards,” informed the Union.
Longtili C. Sangtam, emphasized that the work should be completed within the jurisdiction before the monsoon, strictly following IRC parameters to ensure durability and safety.
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In the afternoon, the SVSU visited St. Mary’s High School, Seyochung Town, where they donated books to the school library to encourage reading among students. Sangtam commended the school for its role in pioneering education in the region and for consistently producing good academic results. He encouraged them to maintain their high standards.
During discussions, faculty members highlighted challenges in Aadhaar enrollment, mentioning that nearly 200 out of 493 students had yet to complete the process due to difficulties in obtaining birth certificates. They also raised concerns about name correction issues, as the Nagaland Board of School Education has restricted such changes despite requests from parents and students to the authority. The school authorities sought SVSU’s support in addressing these issues with the concerned authorities.
In response, the Union assured it’s full assistance in advocating for solutions and ensuring the welfare of the student community.