Tag Archives:

Gender equality

Kohima’s Inter-School Athletic Meet empowers young girls, promotes gender equality

Kohima: Check the complete list of winners

BY / Wednesday, 26 July, 2023

Inter School Athletic Meet Under “Beti Bachao Beti Padhao” Inaugurated at Indira Gandhi Stadium, Kohima

Kohima: Advisor School Education and SCERT, Kekhrielhoulie Yhome, praised the girls for their exceptional achievements in various fields, including academics and politics.

BY / Thursday, 20 July, 2023

Women still minority at IITs, efforts on to achieve gender balance: First woman IIT director Preeti Aghalayam

New Delhi: During the admission for 2022-23 academic session, as many as 3310 girls, or 20 per cent of the total number of seats, have confirmed admissions across the 23 IIT

BY / Sunday, 16 July, 2023

Family planning is human rights: Wokha District observes World Population Day

Wokha: Population growth rate is higher around the world where women are denied basic rights and freedoms

BY / Tuesday, 11 July, 2023

Emphasis on increased awareness, education on family planning at World Population Day program at Noklak

Noklak: CMO urges citizens to approach District Hospital, Sub Centres, health workers and ASHAs for family planning services

BY / Tuesday, 11 July, 2023

What is ‘eldest daughter syndrome’ and how can we fix it?

#EldestDaughterSyndrome is now trending on TikTok, with adolescent girls speaking out about the unfair amount of unpaid (and unappreciated) labour they do in their families

BY / Sunday, 9 April, 2023
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