BY NTN / Thursday, 20 February, 2025Kohima
BY NTN / Wednesday, 19 February, 2025Kohima: Citizens including the government employees unfairly bearing brunt of this monumental failure, says RPP
BY NTN / Friday, 10 January, 2025Kohima: Services fully functional unless individual hospital suspends services in violation of signed MoU
BY NTN / Friday, 10 January, 2025New Delhi: PMJAY does not exclude anyone because of pre-existing illness; nor does it impose any waiting period
BY Dr Vinod K Paul / Tuesday, 15 October, 2024New Delhi: Insurance team visits various hospital to bridge gaps faced by both patients and hospitals
BY DIPR Nagaland / Wednesday, 18 September, 2024The Nagaland Government has informed that its employees can reimburse any additional expenses upon the exhaustion of the annual insurance cover of Rs. 20 lakhs per family provided under the Chief Minister Health Insurance Scheme -EP (CMHIS). “Subsequent to
BY DIPR Nagaland / Wednesday, 21 August, 2024Kohima: Beneficiaries urged to immediately contact NHPS if any empanelled hospital refuses cashless benefits
BY NTN / Sunday, 7 April, 2024Guwahati: Sema informs that initially 1,444 hospitals were empanelled under CGHS, however, only few hospitals were frequented by patients from Nagaland
BY NTN / Friday, 16 June, 2023© 2025 Nagaland Tribune. All rights reserved.
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