Longleng: Phom Day marks the end of head-hunting era and beginning of new dawn in Phom Land
BY NTN / Wednesday, 7 June, 2023Longleng: SP Pritpal Kaur Batra launches 60-day NO TOBACCO campaign
BY NTN Correspondent / Wednesday, 31 May, 2023Longleng: TB champion H. Imtichuba, DB Longleng shares testimony about TB treatment
BY NTN / Thursday, 25 May, 2023Mon/ Longleng: RRR centre is a conceptualized one-stop solution for citizens for implementation of sustainable waste management and promoting a clean town
BY NTN / Sunday, 21 May, 2023Longleng: Committee acknowledges commendable ginger cultivation being carried out by a group of approximately 40 households in Hukphang and Lingtak
BY NTN / Friday, 19 May, 2023Longleng: SP Kaur inducted students from five schools as Junior Red Cross Society volunteers on the occasion
BY NTN / Monday, 8 May, 2023Longleng: The house deliberated on demolishing of the abandoned building of Government High School Nyengching
BY NTN / Saturday, 6 May, 2023Longleng: The house reiterated on the pressing need of creation of SDO PWD (R&B) at Tamlu ADC Hq
BY NTN / Thursday, 27 April, 2023Longleng: All Hotels/ Restaurants and other public utility places are to mandatorily declare No Smoking/Smoking free zones within their premises
BY NTN / Monday, 24 April, 2023Longleng: All the ward presidents were authorized to impose a fine of Rs. 250 for selling any kind of tobacco products within the ward/Jurisdiction
BY NTN / Tuesday, 18 April, 2023Longleng: Batra urged drivers to be responsible and to be good Samaritans in the golden hour
BY PTI / Thursday, 13 April, 2023Longleng: Teens who use tobacco are three times more likely than non-users to use alcohol, eight times more likely to use marijuana, and 22 times more likely to use cocaine
BY NTN / Wednesday, 12 April, 2023© 2025 Nagaland Tribune. All rights reserved.
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