Thüvopisümi Youth slams Pholami youth for claiming enchanting Dzüdü Lake

Phek: TYA to restrict entry of foreign or domestic tourists to Dzüdü Lake from Pholami side

BY | Wednesday, 13 December, 2023

The Thüvopisümi Youth Association (TYA) of Thüvopisü village under Chozuba sub-division of Phek District, has advised Pholami Students’ Union (PSU) and Pholami Youth Organization (PYO) from neighbouring Pholami Village under Sakraba sub-division in Phek, not to be confused with historical facts on the ownership of Dzüdü Lake.

TYA mentioned that recently, PYO and PSU had made claims that the lake is “situated in the deep forest of Pholami Village” and to this TYA said “… land territories such as important lakes, rivers, mountain ridges, etc cannot be claimed merely due to close proximity of village boundaries in press media but only by traditional and customary laws and procedure based on historical facts and figures.”

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TYA also stated that it was aware that “some unscrupulous elements with vested interests and malafide intentions from Pholami Village under the guise of PYO & PSU are trying to disturb the peaceful coexistence between the two Villages.” Thüvopisümi Youth Association questioned “the intentions and hidden agenda of Pholami as to why such fabricated stories were made to create animosity between the two communities and incite violence at the cost of promoting ecotourism.”

TYA maintained that the enchanted Dzüdü Lake has from time immemorial been an “existential part of Thüvopisümi and a life line to its people and successive human generations are witness to it.” Thüvopisümi of this generation and the future generations will continue to protect, uphold and defend it even at cost of sweat and blood, TYA added.

Further, TYA has informed it will restrict entry of foreign or domestic tourists to Dzüdü Lake from the Pholami side but welcomed “all the nature lovers to explore the mysterious beauty of the Dzüdü Lake via Thuvopisumi Village.”

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