Tsohsu festival of Sangtam Nagas

Kiphire: “Ü hah! Now in this field I have sown the seeds but these seeds are bitter”, village priest would utter

BY | Wednesday, 13 March, 2024
(PC: Thingtsali Sangtam/ Wikimedia commons)

Tsohsu is an annual festival celebrated by the Sangtam Nagas during spring season from 12th to 15th March before sowing of the seeds in the fields. Commonly known as ‘Vi Thung’, during the festival, the priest invokes God’s blessings for abundance of harvest and protection from natural calamities in any form.

As a preparation for the festival, the priest would announce to the people in the village to construct new huts in their respective fields for the upcoming celebration of the festival in three days. The villagers are expected to follow the guidelines given by the priest since a breach of it would invite penalty to oneself.

The village priest is the first to get his field readied for the sowing of the seeds by constructing the hut and none are allowed to construct on that particular day except the priest.

Traditionally, priests were from a particular clan called Thongrü. They were the ones who kept themselves ‘pure’ by following a ‘clean’ lifestyle in terms of food habits, thinking and their way of life.

The following day is the day when all the villagers would participate in going to these fields and construct the huts in preparation for the future. As the folks are engaged in constructing huts, the priest would sow the seeds in his new field.

“Ü hah! Now in this field I have sown the seeds but these seeds are bitter”, he would then utter to prevent the birds, insects and animals from attacking and destroying the crops.

The villagers would then eat and drink rice beer which they have brought along. They would also visit the neighbouring huts and exchange meat and rice beer. After the long day’s work, the villagers would return home by chanting together melodiously.

The priest would then observe sabbatical /genna for six days


Compiled by

Ariba Anar,

Tata Steel Samvaad Fellow,

Researcher and Photographer, Traditional Dress and Ornaments of sangtam Naga, Sangtam Naga Documentation Committee.

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