Tuensang: Chumpongse Anar leaves OTC Yangli, College wishes outgoing visionary Principal the best

Tuensang: Hopichem, lecturer, lauded him for building better and stronger relationships with associations, colleges and most importantly creating strong bond among the students

BY | Thursday, 20 April, 2023
Chumpongse Anar, outgoing Principal of Oriental Theological College Yangli, Tuensang at his farewell programme on 20 April 2023.

Oriental Theological College Yangli organised a farewell programme for its outgoing Principal Chumpongse Anar at Centre Baptist Church Yangli, Tuensang.

Anar, in his address, shared that he had initially turned down the offer when he was approached for the job after the former Principal had left for South Korea. He said that he had refused for 3 months thinking he wasn’t ready to hold the responsibility and he also wanted to go for further studies until he finally gave in and accepted the offer made by the Board of United Sangtam Baptist Lithroti Ashimükhong (USBLA) as God’s will.

He described Dr Apise, secretary, USBLA, as his spiritual mentor who had been a guiding light in his life’s journey and Er Alongse, chairman, BoD, who, Anar said was always ready to stand by the needs of the project when OTC needs arise. He also thanked the family of Rev. Lima, the former executive secretary, USBLA and the present exec. secy, USBLA Rev Imti and his wife for all the support rendered to him in his much-needed times.

The outgoing principal expressed that he was blessed to witness the selfless and honest commitment of friends and family of USBLA and OTC Family in sponsoring good number of students for studies and giving firm support in the infrastructure building of OTC.

He also appreciated Er. Sao, who had always been a backbone for the family of OTC, and Lt Dr Toshimeren Sangtam & Family who have truly blessed the college with proper hostel facilities. He also thanked the board of directors of OTC, applauding all of them for their hearts and hands toward building a better OTC, and future of Young Christ soldiers.

Anar encouraged the gathering to continue carrying their crosses in prayers and faith. He also reminded the students community to continue giving their sincere cooperation to the faculties and the new principal for better days are ahead “if we stand in Christ Together”, he added.

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Likhumla C gave a gratitude speech on behalf of OTC students where she described Chumpongse Anar as a visionary, a leader, and a faithful servant of God. The 10 years of his faithful service to the OTC Yangli have inspired many with his deeds of humility, care and integrity in his mission towards the purpose of the Gospel she said and wished the outgoing principal all grand success and blessing in the days to come.

Hopichem, Lecturer, in his gave speech on behalf of OTC faculties, said that he cherishes the outgoing principal and had been blessed to have met him. He credited Anar for infrastructural development such as the library and the boys hostel, and also lauded him for building better and stronger relationships with associations, colleges and most importantly creating strong bond among the students.

BoD chairman, Er Alongse, in his speech said that Chumpongse is the “coolest and calmest principal he ever meet” in his journey with the college administration. He said he had learned a lot from his friend who has a “never give up spirit”.

Rev Imti, in his speech, shared his heartfelt gratitude to the outgoing principal Chumpongse Anar whom he called a “faithful servant of God” who have “started well and have finished his race well”. The reverend mentioned that the day was a ‘White funeral’ meaning the family mourns in the hope that their loved ones are reborn again, taking reference from John 3:3.

Admitting that his farewell was of deep pain to him personally and the OTC community at large but since his calling is also for another greater cause, Rev Imti wished Anar and his family a blessing forever in whatever they initiate in life to come.

The programme was initiated with scripture reading and prayer from Liyangpi, Lecturer OTC, a special song was presented by Khumkise and friend, prayer of thanksgiving by Muthing, Pastor, Centre Baptist Church Yangli, and benediction pronounced by Aprie, Secretary Women, USBLA

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