Unfulfilled assurance reflects govt’s neglect towards education in Eastern Nagaland: Sao Chang College students march in protest

Tuensang: Student request legislators to send their children to study in the same education system if they find it “satisfactory”

BY | Sunday, 3 March, 2024

Students of Sao Chang College Tuensang, led by Chang Wedoshi Setshang (CWS), marched from Tower Clock to the DC’s Office Chamber on Saturday to convey the message that the agitation will carry on until their demands are fulfilled by the Department of Higher Education.

The students resumed their stir on Friday demanding that the college’s “outdated” buses be replaced. The students had last year highlighted that they fear travelling on the buses because of the poor condition of the vehicles. Further, they also claimed that 70 per cent of students miss their classes on daily basis due to the unavailability of buses to transport them to their college.

Read more: Students of Sao Chang College Tuensang continue agitation, serves memorandum to DC

“The disregard for our college’s needs reflects a larger issue of neglect towards education in Eastern Nagaland”, a student who wished to be unnamed said on Saturday. The student also urged that the government “prioritise education and fulfil its promises to ensure a better future for the youth who are touted as the leader of tomorrow.”

The Chang Students’ Conference, in solidarity with the pupils of Sao Chang College Tuensang, held series of agitation last year before finally suspending it in October 2023 following a meeting with the Minister of Higher Education who gave his assurance in written to fulfil the demands.

Almost five months later, the unnamed student expressed “deep disappointment for the unfulfilled assurance provided by the department of higher education regarding the provision of buses. Despite the assurance made last year, no action has been taken. They left us with ageing buses.”

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Another pupil stated, “The glaring discrepancy between the substantial funds allocated for various development projects by Nagaland government and lack of bus sanctioned for Sao Chang college which is indicative of the severe neglect faced by our institution.The stark reality leads us to the undeniable conclusion that the government has chosen to prioritize other endeavours over the fundamental needs of education in our region, such neglect is deeply concerning and we demand for the immediate attention or rectification from the authorities.”

A student questioned “whether any of the sons or daughters of our elected ministers are currently enrolled in government colleges in Nagaland??” The pupil of Sao Chang College Tuensang further requested ‘elected ministers’ to consider sending their children to study in the same education system if the legislators consider it “satisfactory”. This, the student said, will shed light on the confidence the elected leaders have on the education they are providing for the rest of the youth.

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