66 students graduate from Kohima Bible College

Kohima: Beduvolü Soho gets Student of the Year Award 2023

BY | Wednesday, 31 May, 2023

The Kohima Bible College (KBC) held its 49th Graduation Program at Multipurpose Hall, IG Stadium, Kohima on Wednesday where a total of 66 students graduated.

The guest speaker, Rev Dr Mati Joseph, former Registrar, KBC (1974-1984) and missionary exhorted the congregation that the way to religion is by man but the way to heaven is made by God and it is Jesus who paved the way, therefore, preach Jesus Christ and not denomination and religion, he said.

He encouraged the fresh graduates that God has a purpose for them, and it is to be soul winners. Rev Dr Joseph said that God has called all the students to the ministry and that the grace of God is upon them which will guide them to fulfil His purposes.

Remain a student of the Bible throughout your lives, the Reverend advised.

Further to have an impactful ministry, he said one must have personal relationship intact with God, have vision for lost souls, fast and pray for the lost soul, live by faith and live a holy and righteous life.

The program was chaired by Thejavizo Sopfünuo, Assistant Professor, Kohima Bible College. Speech on behalf of the graduating students was said by Keneingunuo Kezo (M. Div).

R. Bendang Kichu, Academic Dean, KBC led the presentation of awards and certificates which were conferred to the graduating students by Rev. Zotuo Kiewhuo, Principal, KBC and Senior Pastor, Koinonia Baptist Church and Abei-ü Neihulie, President, Managing Board, KBC.

A total of 66 students graduated including 30 students in Master of Divinity, one student in M. Div (Diploma), 4 in Master of Divinity (extension), 24 in Bachelor of Theology and 7 in Bachelor of Theology (Diploma).

Academic and Non-Academic Awards 2023 conferred are as follows:

Keneinguno Kezo (M. Div) and Viswedeno Sachü (B. Th) awarded with David Nann’ Award for the Academic proficiency Award.

Sülü Pichhurü (M. Div) and Viswedeno Sachü (B. Th) awarded with KBC President’s Award For Old Testament.

Keneinguno Kezo (M. Div) and Viswedeno Sachü (B. Th) awarded with KBC Principal’s Award or New Testament.

Ruopfuvituo & Kuotsusinuo (M. Div) and E Mopa and Thaam K (B.Th) were awarded with Rev Neihulie’s Award for Practical Ministry.

Kehoukhrienuo Sopfünuo and Idichube Hiekha (M. Div) and Vithong Tikhir and D. Kaini Kayina (B. Th) with Spiritual Maturity Award.

Mulevoto Venuh, Kevilezo Sachü, Viletuonuo and Rokonguü were presented with Social Service Award.

Kohima Bible College Student of the Year Award 2023 was awarded to Beduvolü Soho.

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