Angami Public Org and Sümi Hoho resolve to promote greater inter-tribal harmony


BY | Friday, 24 January, 2025

The Angami Public Organization (APO) and the Sümi Hoho (SH) held a meeting on January 24, 2025 at APO Hall, Kohima with the focus to strengthen the bonds between the tribes for a peaceful and prosperous future”. This was informed by APO President Thejao Vihienuo and SH President Dr Vihuto Asumi in a joint statement.

At the meeting of the apex tribal bodies of the Angami and the Sumi tribes, the following four resolutions were made:

  1. To Promote the process of reconciliation and understanding by encouraging open dialogue and mutual understanding to address any lingering differences or historical grievances and ensuring peaceful coexistence to move forward.
  2. To avoid misunderstanding, if any, by resolving to settle differences amicably between the two communities.
  3. Institutionalizing Meets by agreeing to organize meets between the Angami and Sumi tribes to sustain dialogue and address issues affecting the communities.
  4. Message of unity to the Nagas by demonstrating the power of unity and collaboration, thereby fostering greater inter-tribal harmony.

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