Readers’ View

The Implications of Hekani Jakhalu’s ULB Election Campaign Rhetoric

Dimapur: Manipulating, threatening, coercing voters is not just a crime, but deliberate betrayal of constitutional values and democratic process

BY / Tuesday, 25 June, 2024

Choosing the Right Candidate: A Crucial Decision in Nagaland’s Forthcoming ULB Election

Dimapur: Outcome of ULB elections extends beyond individual victories, shaping trajectory of local governance and socio-economic development

BY / Monday, 24 June, 2024

Recognizing domestic workers’ contributions: Building a fairer future

Before first light, the day for Ari had already begun. With extreme care, she would tidy up houses, prepare food with love, and take care of children and the elderly as if they were part of her own family.

BY / Monday, 17 June, 2024

Honouring Father’s Day through the eyes of the Prodigal Son

Father’s Day is a time of reflection, gratitude, and celebration. It is a day set aside to honour the fathers and father figures who have played essential roles in our lives. As we celebrate this special day, there is

BY / Saturday, 15 June, 2024

Call for Change in Nagaland: Addressing Corruption and Governance

The growing discontent among the people of Nagaland towards their political leaders is evident. There is a strong sentiment that the 60 MLAs should resign from their seats. The Chief Minister should take moral responsibility, step down voluntarily, and

BY / Friday, 14 June, 2024

From Customary Law to Constitutional Rights: Eastern Naga People’s Unified Pursuit of Frontier Nagaland Territory

Author: Dr. Aniruddha Babar, Senior Faculty, Dept of Political Science, Tetso College, Dimapur, Nagaland. Director, Project Constitutional Justice In the annals of political theory, the agency of individual choice and collective conscience is often highlighted as a pivotal force

BY / Monday, 10 June, 2024

Nagaland Forest Management Project at Wokha – Implementation towards a Sustainable Future

Wokha: NFMP JICA making positive impact in safeguarding forest and biodiversity conservation towards sustainable future

BY / Wednesday, 5 June, 2024

Regenerating Nagaland’s Lifeline: A Call to Action for Soil Restoration

Wokha: Average soil loss in Nagaland per hectare per year is approx 30.62 tonnes, compared to national average of 10.2 tonnes

BY / Tuesday, 4 June, 2024

Beyond the Monsoon: Rainwater Harvesting for a Water-Secure Future

Nagaland is predominantly a hilly state which receives abundant rainfall. But most of the rainfall is concentrated in 5-6 months. People meet their water requirements primarily on spring and surface water resources due to the hilly nature of the

BY / Sunday, 2 June, 2024

CHENMOHO: From a Village on the Margins to Torchbearer of the FNT Movement

Situated within the Chen Circle of Mon District at approximately 26.1961° N latitude and 95.0547° E longitude, Nagaland, lies the village of Chenmoho, an enclave distinguished by its awe-inspiring mountainous terrain and serene landscapes. Against this picturesque setting, the

BY / Monday, 20 May, 2024

Unyielding Spirit: The Naga Journey Towards Freedom

In the heartland of the Naga people, amidst the rugged terrain and verdant landscapes, there exists a spirit that refuses to yield, a spirit characterized by resilience and unwavering determination. Over the course of many decades, the Nagas have

BY / Tuesday, 14 May, 2024

Traversing the Ethereal Threshold: Walking In the Twilight of ‘Infinity’

“In the complex quest to understand the mysteries of the universe, we find ourselves navigating a journey fraught with challenges. It’s like we’re trying to unravel an intricate puzzle where our perception of reality meets the profound complexities of

BY / Monday, 13 May, 2024
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